Wallie Draws

In case we haven't met before, Hi I am Wallie.
I love to draw and here are some of my artworks.
For more, checkout my Instagram


Hi, I'm Wallie andI like exploring new stuff and playing with my colors.Kpop gained my interest in 2017 when I first saw a BTS MV, since then I'm a multifan and I adore drawing my favourite artists.
Here you can see my original artworks.

  Tom Holland Potrait  

Description: Pencil colors never fail to excite me, it's always fun experimenting with them. The more colorful, the more lively your drawing is/looks.

  BTS Suga Mix Medium  

Art is all about exploring. I like to experiment with different media.

  Exo Kai  
  (Hyperrealistic Potrait)  

Realistic art pieces take too much time, but at the end the results are worth gawking at.


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and my creations. Ciao!